Thursday, 10 December 2015

Call Sheet

Time lapse test shot

Initially we thought that the more people in the wind tunnel then the more effective the time lapse would be. Once we filmed the test shot we soon realised that if there is were too many people in the shot its got overcrowded and took away the effect of the time lapse. We also think it would be more effective if we were filming slightly closer to the doors to frame the shot better.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Animatic Changes

Test shot

In our trailer we feature a dead dog so these are some test shots to make sure it would be feasible.  If not we would use half a dog as it has a similar effect.

Filming Equipment

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Test Shot

These are some test shots that we took to see how we would film the final piece and if it would work with our trailer. it was difficult as the camera we were using was not waterproof so was hard to keep  still preventing the shot from being shaky.                

Friday, 13 November 2015

Costume List

Sixth Sense

Call Sheet

Production Company:
Utopia Productions



Client Contact:

Location & Unit Base:


Production note:

Location note:


1.’Sam’ Boy

2. ‘Martha’ Girlfriend

3. Helen ‘mum’

4. Friend 1

5. Friend 2

6. Friend 3



Sophie and Jess

Utopia productions

Tripod: Utopia productions

Utopia productions

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Age Certificate

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Vision Sheet

This is are our initial ideas separated into different categories to make our vision clearer. We decided to make a psychological thriller based on ideas taken from films such as Fight Club and Black Swan. Similarly we chose locations in conjunction with the films we have taken inspiration from, for example a school which is used in 'We need to talk about Kevin' as well as a family home which is used in 'Dream House'.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Final Decision - UTOPIA

We chose the company name - UTOPIA

Utopia means an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. We decided to use this word as it is ironic to our story line as the world around the main character is not perfect, but his perception of it is. 


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Company Name Word Cloud

Friday, 12 June 2015

Digital technology

Real media conventions

What have I learnt?

Research and planning


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To edit our opening we used iMovie, this worked well and was able to do everything that we needed. Throughout the process we improved dramatically on our skills and at the end of the project all of us were more than capable of working the software. this year we will think about using Final cut pro however it is expensive and possible an unnecessary purchase. At the beginning got the year i was not aware of how to upload videos to youtube and then link them onto our blogs but i can now do that with ease. We did not need to use photoshop or publisher as we did not require these publications for what we were doing, we had our logo made by a local artist so we did not have to create it.